Good morning ladies!!
This is the day the Lord has made. Sometimes it's easy to forget that our God is sovereign and still very much in charge. He's still in the business of saving souls, healing lives and redeeming our stories. So, how can I, as daughter of the King, contribute today? Well, I can praise him regardless of my circumstances, I can ask the Holy Spirit to teach me how I need to show up for my family, my co-workers, my neighbor etc. I can make time to spend in the Word with a heart ready to receive. I can pray for the needs of others and help where I can. I can send an encouraging text, invite someone out for a coffee or tea etc.It is in the mundane that our obedience is truly tested. Don't misunderstand me, it is also tested in the valleys and in the mountains, but what about the everyday grind? The endless routines? It's easy to become complacent in the mundane, and if we're not intentional, we thoughtlessly consume God's goodness, His mercy, His longsuffering, His kindness (you fill in the blank). I know I've been guilty of this very thing countless times. So, the question for all of us today is, are we joyful contributors or thoughtless consumers of God's grace and mercy?Let me encourage us to ask the Holy Spirit to give us the wisdom, discernment and strength to be joyful contributors, even in the mundane.
Love you all
Sandy Moyer